Accountability & Transparency
The County is committed to openness and transparency in its decision-making and service delivery. To help deliver on this commitment, there are a number of mechanisms in place to promote and protect accountability and transparency in our government.
Declaration of Conflict of Interest Registry
All members of Council, local boards and committees have an obligation to act honestly and responsibly when making decisions or giving advice on Council, board or committee matters. This obligation includes the disclosure of pecuniary interest. As per the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, the Corporation of the County of Prince Edward maintains a Declarations of Conflict of Interest Registry of all declarations made under this Act.
Registries of the written disclosures of pecuniary interests are available below.
- 2020-Declarations of Conflict of Interest Registry
- 2021-Declarations of Conflict of Interest Registry
- 2022-Declarations of Conflict of Interest Registry
- 2023 Declarations of Conflict of Interest Registry
- 2024 Declarations of Conflict of Interest Registry
- 2025 Declarations of Conflict of Interest Registry
As per the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990, c M.50, s 6.1, a copy of each written statement of interest is available for public inspection, upon request through the Clerk’s Office.
Closed Session Investigator
The County has appointed the Local Authority Service as the Municipal Closed Session Investigator. Members of the public, including corporations, may submit complaints to the Investigator relating to compliance with the Municipal Act or the Municipal Procedure By-law for meetings or part of meetings that are closed to the public. All complaints will be treated as confidential, unless authorization is given by the complainant to release his or her identity.
To submit a complaint, fill out a Complaint Form. Printed copies can be provided by the Clerk’s Office. Complaints must be submitted in an envelope addressed to the Investigator, must be identified as a Complaint under Section 239 of the Act, and should include a copy of the Municipal Closed Session Investigator Policy.
Complaint Protocol
If you believe that the behaviour of a member of Council contravenes the Code of Conduct, you can submit an informal or formal complaint.
Informal Complaint
Any individual may seek to address the prohibited behaviour or activity themselves in the following manner:
- document the incident(s) where the Member may have contravened the Code of Conduct including dates, times, locations, other persons present, and any other relevant information;
- advise the Clerk’s Office about the concerns regarding the Member’s actions;
- advise the Member that the behaviour or activity appears to contravene the Code of Conduct;
- identify to the Member the specific provision(s) of the Code of Conduct that may have been contravened;
- encourage the Member to acknowledge and agree to stop the prohibited behaviour or activity and to undertake to refrain from future occurrences of the prohibited behaviour or activity;
- if applicable:
- confirm to the Member that their response is satisfactory, or
- advise the Member that their response is unsatisfactory;
- consider the need to pursue the matter in accordance with the Formal Complaint Procedure, in accordance with section 15 of the Code of Conduct.
The Informal Complaint Protocol is not a precondition or a prerequisite to pursuing the Formal Complaint Procedure.
Formal Complaint
If you would like to submit a formal complaint, please review Section 15 of the Code of Conduct for Members of Council.
- a complaint shall be made in writing and shall be sent directly to the Integrity Commissioner by mail, e-mail, fax or courier;
- a complaint must be signed and dated by the complainant who shall be an identifiable individual (complaints may not be submitted by any group, organization or corporation);
- a complaint shall include:
- an explanation, with specific reference to sections of the Code, as to why the issue raised is alleged to be a contravention of the Code;
- any evidence in support of the allegation; and
- any witnesses in support of the allegation must be identified.
The alleged violation shall have taken place within sixty (60) days of filing the complaint with the Integrity Commissioner.