Boards & Committees
- 2022 Election
- Accessibility
- Accountability & Transparency
Boards & Committees
- Accessibility Advisory Committee
- Agriculture Advisory Committee
- Appeals Committee
- Audit Committee
- Boards & Committees Orientation
- Built & Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee
- Committee of Adjustment
- Environmental Advisory Committee
- External Committees
- Fence Viewers
- Livestock Evaluators
- O.P.P. Detachment Board
- Picton BIA Board of Management
- Planning & Development Committee
- Public Library Board
- Queen Elizabeth Development Community Partners Selection Committee
- Recreation Ward Committee
- Street Naming
- Traffic Advisory Committee
- Water and Wastewater Rates Community Committee
- Working Groups & Task Teams
- CAO’s Office
- Clerk’s Office
- Council
- Council & Committee Meetings
- Mayor’s Office
- Municipal Community Grant Program
Municipal Projects
- Plans and Strategies
Special Capital Projects
- County Road 4 Reconstruction
- H.J. McFarland Memorial Home Redevelopment
- Master Service Plan – East Picton – Addendum
- Picton Main Street Reconstruction – 2024
- Picton Master Servicing Plan
- Picton Town Hill
- Picton Town Hill Intersection Improvements Study
- Rossmore Stormwater Master Servicing Plan
- Water Servicing Strategy Master Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
- Wellington Master Servicing Plan
- Wellington Rotary Beach Plan
- Wellington Trunk Watermain and Sanitary Sewer
- Wellington Wastewater Treatment Plant Class Environmental Assessment
- Wellington Water Tower
- Wellington Water Treatment Plant Class Environmental Assessment
- West Mary Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction
Strategic Initiatives
- By-law and Policy Review
- Delhi Park Community Connections
- Downtown Revitalization
- Five Year Road Improvement Plan
- Former Queen Elizabeth School Redevelopment
- Healthcare Initiatives
- Municipal Accommodation Tax
- PEC Affordable Housing Corporation
- Picton Transportation Master Plan
- Short-Term Accommodations
- Tourism Management
- Wellington Master Servicing Plan
Advisory Boards and Committees provide Council and staff with input about a wide variety of subjects through discussions, presentations and recommendations. Some Committees also organize and participate in community events.
Advisory Boards and Committees are made up of citizens with valuable expertise and perspectives that add richness and authenticity to initiatives and projects. Citizen members are appointed by Council.
Scroll down to the application section below to learn more about current committee openings and how to apply to a committee.
Review the Schedules:
2025 Schedule – Boards and Committees
How to Apply to an Advisory Board or Committee
To serve on an advisory committee, board, or working group, you must be:
- a Canadian citizen, or permanent resident living in Prince Edward County; or
- a property or business owner in the County of Prince Edward;
- a minimum of 16 years of age or older.
If you require a physical copy of the application form, please contact the Clerk’s Office by email:
Equal opportunity will be considered for all applicants, and all reasonable steps will be taken to ensure accommodations are available to applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment process. Alternative formats are available upon request.
If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk’s Office at or call 613.476.2148 extension 1020 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Committee/Board Openings
Recruitment for Ward Recreation Committees is currently open.
You can also submit your application in the following ways:
- By email to
- In person at 332 Picton Main Street, Shire Hall. Monday to Friday between 8:30 am to 5 pm
- In person at 280 Picton Main Street, Picton, Monday to Friday between 8:30 am to 5 pm
- At a County of Prince Edward Public Library branch during library hours
Youth recruitment (between the ages of 16 and 25) remains OPEN! Click here to learn more about youth opportunities
There are currently no openings on other Committees or Boards. Future recruitment opportunities for other Committees or Boards will be advertised here when available.
Frequently Asked Questions
Committees, boards, and working groups typically meet quarterly or more frequently. Review the 2024 boards and committees meeting schedule.
Please scroll to the top of this page (Committees and Boards) and select the committee for which you would like to learn more to be taken to their Terms of Reference. You can also read agendas, minutes, and reports. in the web portal
The amount of time and effort involved in being a committee member may vary depending on the type of committee and time of year. Before each meeting, you should expect to review the agenda and any related documents.
We encourage you to attach a copy of your resume to your online application. Only the online application and attachments will be reviewed (do not provide web links to online resumes such as LinkedIn)