Prince Edward County Municipal Services


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CAO’s Office

I am delighted to lead the municipality of Prince Edward County as CAO. We have a committed and active Council, a passionate group of public servants and a dynamic future ahead. Whether you are a resident, a business or a visitor, the County has something unique to offer and that makes municipal service delivery both challenging and exciting.

Marcia Wallace Biography

Prior to joining the County, Ms. Wallace served as Assistant Deputy Minister with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing where she led the division responsible for the implementation of policy and programs across Ontario’s regional offices, the Ontario Building Code and disaster recovery programs.  Prior to this role she led high profile policy and program initiatives at the Ministries of Municipal Affairs, Housing, and Environment.

Marcia holds a Ph.D. in Urban Planning from the University of Waterloo and is a Registered Professional Planner with the Ontario Professional Planners Institute.  She began her career as an Assistant Professor at York University in 1999 before joining the Ontario Public Service and most recently continues to lecture in the Local Government Diploma Program at Western University in London, Ontario.

Marcia Wallace CAOMarcia Wallace, PhD, RPP
Chief Administrative Officer
The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward 
Tel: 613.476.2148 ext. 1003

Update Reports

The CAO provides Council with a report three times a year that includes information on the key activities and challenges faced by the municipality.

Each report offers context on the implementation of Council decisions,
particularly budget decisions. The report also provides a look ahead to the next three months.