Prince Edward County Municipal Services


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Apply now for a Municipal Community Grant

March 6, 2023

The application period for the 2023 Municipal Community Grants Program is now open.

“After several hard years, it’s more important than ever to encourage events and programming that support the needs of our community,” Mayor Steve Ferguson says. “I’m thrilled to see the Community Grants program launch once again and look forward to seeing the wonderful initiatives that result from this important funding.”

The Municipal Community Grants Program is made possible through funding from the County of Prince Edward in partnership with The County Foundation (TCF), who administers the program and augments funding.

The program provides support to not-for-profit and community-based organizations. Grants are available for projects that enhance The County’s quality of place as well as the local economy. Applications must focus on one or more of the following: arts, culture, heritage, recreation, environment, health and/or human services.

“Municipal Community Grants are an important part of the community and The County Foundation is proud to administer the program,” says Dominique Jones, TCF Executive Director. “We encourage anyone who’s interested to reach out with any questions about the program or application process.”

A grant-writing webinar specifically for the Municipal Community Grants Program is taking place on Thursday, March 9 at 10 am on Zoom. Please register in advance by visiting this website.

There are three granting streams available in 2023:

  • Grants over $5,000 in cash
  • Grants up to $5,000 in cash and in-kind (up to a maximum of $2,500 in cash)
  • Grants up to $1,000 (in-kind only)

Interested applicants are encouraged to consult with The Community Foundation before applying by emailing

The application process opens on March 6, 2023 and the deadline to apply is April 14, 2023 at 12 noon. Late submissions will not be considered.

Visit The County Foundation website to access the application form and more information about the funding criteria. Applicants are encouraged to submit their proposals using the online form.

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For media inquiries, please contact Mark Kerr, Communications and Consultations Supervisor, at 613.476.2148 ext. 1009 or by email at

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