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“Catching up on what we’ve missed” during Flashback February

February 17, 2022

Flashback February: Heritage Week in Prince Edward County runs from February 19 – 27 with a blend of virtual and in-person events celebrating The County’s history and heritage. 2022 marks the fifth annual Flashback February, presented by The County Museums in partnership with multiple community organizations and businesses.

“This year, residents have the opportunity to explore the County’s history in-person, or they can choose from a fabulous line-up of virtual events and enjoy quality heritage-focused experiences from the comfort of home,” says Jessica Chase, Curator with The County Museums.

Throughout the nine-day festival, The Museums will offer a special Royal exhibit at Macaulay Church, which will complement two in-person ‘tours’ of Buckingham Palace led by Chase, a former Royal Collection guide. These tours, which will make use of virtual tour technology, will take place at Macaulay Church on February 20 and 24, and will (naturally) include tea and biscuits.

Flashback February kicks off on Saturday, February 19 with two in-person offerings – historic barn tours at Karlo Estates Winery, and a presentation of vintage photographs and ‘follies’ hosted by the North Marysburgh Recreation Committee.

The schedule also includes:

Tickets for the events range in price from free to $25. Tickets or advance reservations are required for most events whether in-person or virtual. COVID-19 safety measures will be in place for all in-person events including proof of vaccination and mask-wearing indoors. For full ticket and event information, visit

For more information, contact Jessica Chase, Assistant Curator, at or 613.476.2148 extension 2524

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