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Consultation now open for future of biosolid application in Prince Edward County  

March 4, 2022

The municipality is seeking public input on the future of biosolid application in Prince Edward County.

In June 2020, Council directed staff to consult with the public and return to Council with a report on the application of municipal biosolids within the County.

Biosolids are created when municipal wastewater treatment facilities separate municipal wastewater into liquid (clean water that can be discharged to a nearby waterbody) and the leftover solids. These leftover solids go through additional treatment processes to prepare them for land application or disposal.

In 2007, the Council at that time passed a motion declaring a moratorium on the application of all biosolids on farmland in Prince Edward County. Currently, the County has a contract with a company that hauls the biosolids produced at the plants in Picton and Wellington outside the municipality for application on farmland in another community.

County staff have identified five possible options and is asking for the public’s input on each one. They include:

  • Continue current practice of spreading County’s biosolids outside the municipality
  • Only allow biosolids produced at the Picton and Wellington wastewater treatment plants to be hauled and applied on fields in Prince Edward County
  • Allow biosolids produced at wastewater treatment plants in Prince Edward County and elsewhere to be hauled and applied on fields in Prince Edward County
  • Return to dewatering biosolids produced in The County and either trucking that product outside The County or use it as cover on local landfills
  • Invest in exploring innovative and emerging solutions for biosolid disposal (such as using the material to create compost or reducing the material to ash for use as an industrial input)

The public is encouraged to visit the County’s Have Your Say website to review the criteria for evaluating each option before taking a short survey. The survey will remain open until Monday, March 28 at 5 pm. Paper copies of the survey will be available for pick up at the Edward Building, Suite 103, Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 5 pm. To take the survey in a different format, contact The County’s communications team by email at or by telephone 613.476.2148 extension 1009.

Staff will present a report to Committee of the Whole on Thursday, April 28. The meeting will begin at 1 pm. If wish to make a deputation at that meeting, the deadline to sign up is Tuesday, April 19. If you want to provide a comment from the audience, you have until noon on April 28 to notify the Clerk’s Office. Visit the County website to learn more about participating at Committee of the Whole meetings.

Email or call 613.476.2148 ext. 1020 to sign up to make a deputation or provide a comment.

If you have questions or require further information, call at 613.476.2148 extension 1009 or email

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