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Council adopts governance model for 2022-2026 term

December 23, 2022

County Council approved earlier this week a governance model for its 2022-2026 term.

The model will once again include a Committee of the Whole and a Planning and Development Committee made up of all councillors. Several members of Council stressed the importance of each of them playing an engaged role in topics to best meet the needs of their constituents.

Recommendations from both of these committees will be forwarded to Council meetings for final consideration, adoption and implementation.

Council will consider the 2023 meeting schedule at the Committee of the Whole meeting on January 12. Council will appoint themselves to the various external and internal committees on January 24, with public appointments made later in February once recruitment is completed.

Advisory Boards and Committees

Council also approved the reestablishment of the following advisory boards and committees:

  • Accessibility Advisory Committee
  • Agricultural Advisory Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Environmental Advisory Committee
  • Built & Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Traffic Advisory Committee
  • Police Services Board (legislated)
  • Public Libraries Board (legislated)
  • Ward Recreation Committees (nine in total)

Council also created a Committee of Adjustment, Fence Viewers Committee, and a Livestock Evaluator. Council directed staff to come back to Council with options on the Property Standards Committee.

Boards and committees will continue to meet electronically. All advisory committee meetings will be livestreamed and recorded, a new initiative for this term of Council, increasing transparency and giving the public greater opportunities to engage with these bodies.

To encourage greater youth involvement, the terms of reference for several advisory boards and committees now allow the appointment of up to two youth members (between the ages of 16 and 25). Furthermore, youth members have the opportunity to explore flexible term lengths to accommodate their work and education commitments.

Recruitment for boards and committees will open on Wednesday, December 28. The deadline to submit an application is Friday, January 20. Visit the Clerk’s Office website for more information including the terms of reference for the boards and committees.

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