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Council & Committee of the Whole Highlights – January 16 & 18

January 22, 2024

Council Highlights:

Motions from Closed Session

Council approved a by-law to fulfill the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) and authorize the CAO to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Elizabeth Anne Crombie in the amount of $205,000 for the purchase of land located at Part of Lt 19 Con 1 North of Black River, South Marysburgh; Prince Edward; being that part of Old Milford Road crossing. Due to his conflict of interest, Councillor Hirsch vacated the closed meeting and did not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter.

Council received a report from the Community Services, Programs and Initiatives department regarding the sale of surplus land. Council approved a by-law to stop up, close, declare surplus and convey part road allowance on Parts 1 – 4 between Gore “E” and Concession 2, Northwest of West Lake.


Mayor Steve Ferguson noted the Civic Recognition Awards will be rescheduled to a future meeting.


Paul Allen addressed Council regarding Prince Edward County’s Response to Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests.

Jason Pavy addressed Council regarding 612 Hiscock Shores Road.

Christine Durant, Inspire Program Coordinator / Essential Skills Trainer, PELC, addressed Council regarding the Prince Edward County Community Benefits Network.

Mark Rose, Picton BIA, addressed Council regarding the future of York/William Street. Staff will bring a report to the Committee of the Whole to explore the future of York/William Street, including community input gathered, to consider pedestrian only options and implications.


Items for Consideration

Council approved a resolution from Councillor Nieman seeking Council support for the province to expand the life span of fire apparatus, specifically pertaining to the replacement of fire trucks due to insurance requirements.

Council has directed the Mayor to draft a letter to MPP Minister Todd Smith requesting a meeting to discuss the life span of fire apparatus, specifically pertaining to the replacement of fire trucks due to insurance requirements.

The Mayor will also draft a letter to FUS requesting the creation of a new community fire-protection and fire prevention insurance system that does not put all municipalities under the same umbrella, with distinct categories for rural and urban municipalities.

This resolution will be sent to Premier Doug Ford, the Honourable David Piccini, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing requesting a response on this matter within 30 days of receipt, and all 444 municipalities.

Councillor Nieman’s full resolution can be found here.

Other Business

Council authorized the submission of a loan application in the amount of $1,079,309.73 to Infrastructure Ontario/Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (OILC) for a loan to implement Council-approved 2020 and 2021 Budget decisions to procure fleet vehicles with debt financing.


Next Council meeting: Regular Meeting of Council Tuesday, January 30, 2024, at Shire Hall, 332 Main Street, Picton. 


Committee of the Whole Highlights:

Comments from the Audience

Jack Winberg spoke in support of item 6.1 regarding Leeward House – Transitional Housing Project to Address Homelessness in Prince Edward County and Housing Access and Stabilization Services for County Residents. He noted that it was a pleasure to work with staff and is fully supportive of the private public partnership to address homelessness in the County.

Leeward House – Transitional Housing Project to Address Homelessness in Prince Edward County and Housing Access and Stabilization Services for County Residents

Elis Ziegler, Affordable Housing Supervisor, provided a PowerPoint presentation on the report to address homelessness for a transitional housing project, and housing access and stabilization services.

Council directed the Mayor and CAO to execute the following:

  • A Memorandum of Understanding between Prince Edward Lennox and Addington Social Services (PELASS) and The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward under the Homelessness Prevention Program for New Transitional funding and applicable By-Law at the January 30th, 2024 Council meeting; and
  • A Memorandum of Understanding between Prince Edward Lennox and Addington Social Services (PELASS) and The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward under the Homelessness Prevention New Stabilization funding and applicable By-Law at the January 30th, 2024 Council meeting;

Council directed the CAO to enter into a Lease Agreement with Base 31 for the property municipally known as 1133 County Road 5, Picton, for the operation of a Transitional Housing Facility. Council approved a by-law to authorize the Lease Agreement with 1133 County Road 5 Inc, known as Base 31 for the property 1133 County Road 5, Sophiasburgh Ward as the Transitional Housing Facility.

Resolution from Councillor Grosso seeking Council support to establish an Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) Program

Council will direct the applicable staff to explore the creation of an Automated Speed Enforcement Program. Staff will return to Council with a report by Q4 2024.

Councillor Grosso’s full resolution can be found here.

Other Business

Council approved and adopted the proposed Friendship Policy from the Community Services, Programs and Initiatives department and approved the Terms of Reference for the Krasyliv Friendship Working Group. Staff will soon begin recruitment for the working group membership.

Next Committee of the Whole meeting: Thursday, February 1, 2024, at Shire Hall, 332 Main Street, Picton. 


This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meetings. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council/Committee of the Whole agenda.  A video of these meetings is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.


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