Councillor Hirsch as Chair of the Audit Committee addressed Council regarding the Committee’s annual report and activities.
The Chair of the Cemetery Advisory Committee addressed Council about the Committee’s annual report.
CAO’s Quarterly Report
CAO Marcia Wallace provided Council with a quarterly report on the second quarter of 2022. Highlights of this report included public health related activities, service delivery updates, infrastructure investments and an overall financial picture and forecast of key initiatives for the fall.
Tender Awarded
Council awarded the tender the Shire Hall renovation project to Jeffrey G Wallans Construction Limited in the amount of $338,000 plus HST.
Other Business
Council authorized one in-kind rental agreement of the Crystal Palace per year for a Sunday Christmas Market throughout the duration of the Picton Farmers’ Market Agreement.
Council directed planning staff to complete an Official Plan amendment application to fulfil the requirements of the short-term accommodation licencing program as per item 6.1 of the August 8, 2022 Committee of the Whole report. A staff report on the matter will be brought to the Planning Committee at the September 7 meeting for consideration.
Council approved reports from various committee meetings.
Next Council meeting: September 13, 2022
This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meeting. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council agenda. A video of this meeting is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.