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Council Highlights – July 25, 2023 – Regular Meeting of Council

July 27, 2023

Motions from Closed Session
Council voted to continue pursuing legal action regarding Picton Terminals, rather than a negotiated settlement. Click here to learn more.

Councillor Pennell spoke to the success of the 2023 Tag Day. This is a lottery organized by Community Care volunteers to stand outside businesses in The County and collect money to help seniors live at home.

Tealah Clement and Kelly Martin, Wellington Dukes Junior A Hockey Club, addressed Council regarding in-trade advertising opportunities. They have submitted a proposal for consideration of in-trade advertising for ice rental fees. Council received the deputation and directed staff to consider the request when a new agreement with the Dukes comes back to Council in August.

Council received 2 deputations regarding Picton Terminals. Council also heard comments from the audience on support for a Municipal Financial Relief Program for leasehold homeowners and speed limits in the Village of Bloomfield.

CAO Quarterly Report
Council received the quarterly report from the CAO. The report is available online.

Other Business
Council waived provisions in the Use of the Prince Edward County Millennium Trail By-law 742-2001, and the County’s Noise By-law 221-2021, for August 1, 2023 between the hours of 3 am – 7 am to allow for a Canadian Armed Forces training exercise.

Council directed staff to bring a by-law to the August 29 meeting that would allow people who pay their taxes through a third party to get support if they meet the income qualifications of the Municipal Financial Relief Grant (MFRG) program. A staff report will also come in August on the MFRG.considering the cost of the program expansion and where the funding will come from if required.

Councillor Nieman brought forward a resolution seeking to amend the taxi cab by-law to clarify fraud offences was approved. Councillor Nieman noted that Sections 12 and 13 of the By-Law pertaining to Vulnerable Sector Screening and Level 1 Criminal Record Check provisions to protect the health and safety of limousine/taxicab drivers and passengers, such as fraud charges, which can be explained, should not completely remove the ability of a potential driver to obtain a licence. A person will be eligible for a licence after 10 years if the offence involves fraud under $5,000. A person will not be eligible at any time if the offence involves fraud over $5,000.

Councillor Roberts brought forward a resolution that Council strongly expresses support for a more generous Canada Child Benefit targeting low-income families struggling with food insecurity. The resolution also called on the Federal government expedite its 2021 election promise to roll-out Canada’s first national school food policy, and invited the Minister of Families to speak on this matter to a future Council meeting.

Council awarded several tenders for various construction work and fleet equipment.

Council approved minutes from various committee meetings.


Next Council meeting: Regular Meeting of Council Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at Shire Hall, 332 Main Street, Picton. This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meeting. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council agenda.  A video of this meeting is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.

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