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Council Highlights – March 22 – Regular Council

March 29, 2022


Mayor Steve Ferguson read a proclamation to recognize Owen Arthur Jones and declare April 23 as the Owen Jones Memorial Clean Up Day. The Mayor also read proclamations in support of Daffodil Month for the Canadian Cancer Society, and BeADonor Month in support of organ and tissue donor registration.

Committee Appointments

Council approved the appointment of members of various municipal committees including: Jean-Philippe-Lavoie to the Picton Ward Recreation Committee, Erynn Ahern and Susanne Pettit to the Bloomfield/Hallowell Ward Recreation Committee, Andrea Couture, Amanda Laird and Jamie Werkhoven to the Ameliasburgh Ward Recreation Committee,  Judie McLaughlin and Konrad Doerrbecker to the Sophiasburgh Ward Recreation Committee, Cheryl Shannon to the North Marysburgh Ward Recreation Committee, Jessica Shiers to the Public Library Board, Cliff Coulter, Dawn Laing and Sandra Dorenberg to the Picton Town Hall Board of Management, Jennifer Armstrong, Daniel Leeming and Corey Engelsdorfer to the Wellington Waterfront Task Team, Ron Colucci to the Joint Elections Compliance Audit Committee, and Howard Whittaker as a technical representative for The County Foundation on the Community and Economic Development Commission.

Tenders awarded

Council approved a report from the Operations department awarding tenders related to road maintenance to Miller Paving for micro surfacing in the amount of $565,866.00, and for surface treatment in the amount of $1,124,503.60. Bids were also accepted for granular material supply.

Funding agreement for wastewater treatment plan

Council authorized an agreement with the Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks to receive $518,145.00 in funding for improvements to the Wellington wastewater treatment plant that would improve the quality of wastewater and storm water discharges into Lake Ontario.  This funding would be used for the Wellington Wastewater Treatment Plant Equalization Tank project which is in design phase and scheduled to begin construction in 2022.

Other business

A motion was introduced to waive the requirement for vulnerable sector checks for taxi cab drivers. The matter was referred to staff to bring a report to a meeting before the end of June. Mayor Steve Ferguson gave a verbal report on the 10 year community plan, with a motion approved to defer community consultation until the next term of council. Council also approved minutes from previous meetings and received reports from various committees.


Received a deputation from Blake Evans, Field Program Coordinator at GFL regarding their biosolids management program.

Next Council Meeting: April 5, 2022

This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meeting. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council agenda.  A video of this meeting is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.

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