Mayor Steve Ferguson read a proclamation to mark International Women’s Day (March 8) and International Women’s Week (March 8-15). Read the proclamation here.
Council unanimously approved a resolution, which included several actions, including to provide a $5,000 matching fund donation to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal organized by the Canadian Red Cross and a challenge to Ontario municipalities to donate as well.
Forester’s Island
Council approved a motion to confirm Prince Edward County’s intention to waive any payment in lieu of taxes related to Forester’s Island and the Addition to Reserve process to be initiated by the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.
COVID-19 policy changes
Council rescinded the municipal by-law that temporarily mandated the use of masks in indoor spaces as of March 21 in line with Provincial regulations. The by-law that delegated authority to the Chief Administrative Officer for certain decisions related to the COVID-19 pandemic was also rescinded. In addition, Council directed staff to prepare a report on the ongoing need for a mandatory vaccination policy for municipal staff.
Contracts awarded
Council awarded a contract to Landmark Structures to construct a new elevated water storage tank (water tower) in Wellington, including an increase in budget for this capital project, to be funded by long-term debt. Council also awarded a contract to CIMA Canada Inc. for the purposes of conducting three Class Environmental Assessments related to the Wellington Water Treatment Plant, Wastewater Treatment Plant and Regional Water Supply.
Council received a deputation from Quinte Waste Solutions regarding a proposal for a Hazardous and Electronic Waste (HEW) Depot in Prince Edward County, and directed staff to explore the viability of a medium HEW depot in The County. Council also received a deputation from the FoodCycler Municipal Solutions Food Waste Diversion Pilot Program.
Council received a report on Council compensation including council remuneration, committee remuneration and expenses as required by the Municipal Act, 2001. Staff provided a verbal update on the details of the memorandum of understanding with the owners of the Tip of the Bay property related to the construction of a publicly accessible boardwalk. Council also approved minutes from previous meetings and received reports from various committees.
Next Council Meeting: March 22, 2022
This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meeting. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council agenda. A video of this meeting is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.