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Council Highlights – May 9, 2023 – Regular Session of Council

May 12, 2023

Motions from Closed Session
Council approved a by-law to appoint Brenda Little as a voting public member of the Wellington Ward Recreation Committee for the term of Council, or until reappointed.

Julie Johnson from The Women of Ontario Say No made a deputation asking for Council to support Bill 5 – Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act. Julie mentioned that there are currently 85 municipalities, including 5 upper-tier, that are in support of Bill 5. The presentation is available online.

The Mayor will write a letter to The Honourable Todd Smith, Bay of Quinte Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP); Premier Doug Ford; The Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); and MPP for Orleans, Stephen Blais to express the support of County Council for Bill 5, and to urge all members of Provincial government to support the Bill.

County Housing Plan
Elis Ziegler, Co-Chair of the Housing & Poverty Reduction Action Team of the Community Safety & Well Being Plan, made a presentation regarding the County Housing Plan. Several people made powerful comments from the audience in support of the County Housing Plan.

Council endorsed the County Housing Plan as a “living document” for the purpose of applying for provincial and federal funding as well as providing the catalyst for improved housing opportunities for all County residents. The Prince Edward County Affordable Housing Corporation will determine an immediate solution to homelessness and the creation of a physical space for those displaced. It will keep Council apprised of its progress in securing funding for such a physical space and its other housing initiatives.

H.J McFarland Memorial Home Update
Council passed a motion that H.J. McFarland Memorial Home Update reports come before Council on a bi-annual basis for the balance of the 2022-2026 term of Council.

Other Business
Mayor Ferguson proclaimed May 8 – 14 as National Nursing Week. This year’s theme is “Our Nurses, Our Future”. The Mayor also proclaimed May 19 as Personal Support Worker (PSW) Day in the County and recognized May 1 as National Physicians’ Day


Councillor Hirsch brought forward a resolution regarding the proposed new Provincial Planning Statement (PPS). Council urges the province to:

• pause proposed changes to the PPS, particularly regarding natural heritage (section 4.1) and agricultural lands (sections 2.6 and 4.3)

• reinvest trust in the local planning authority of all 444 Ontario municipalities, recognizing that each Ontario municipality has unique landscapes, different housing needs and differing visions for local planning matters


Councillor MacNaughton brought forward a resolution seeking Council support regarding Declaring Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic. Council recognizes that:

· the Renfrew Inquest is important to all rural communities; and

· Council is committed to engaging with community partners to educate and support our residents about the seriousness and long-term consequences of gender-based violence in our community

Council declared, in accordance with Recommendation #1 of the Renfrew Inquest, that Intimate Partner Violence and Violence Against Women an epidemic.


The Street Naming Task Team Terms of Reference and administrative amendments to the Commemorative Street Naming Policy were approved. The Terms of Reference was amended to include a member of the Traffic Advisory Committee. The Task Team’s Working Group recruitment will begin in the coming weeks and will be shared with the public via the County website and social media.


Councillor Nieman nominated Councillor Harrison for the fourth position on the County Road 49 Working Group and Councillor Harrison accepted. Mayor Ferguson, Councillor Braney, Councillor St-Jean, Councillor Nieman, and Councillor Harrison have been appointed to the County Road 49 Council Working Group. The public will be engaged as the group makes inroads in securing funding for the rehabilitation of County Road 49.


Council approved a Heritage Grant recommended by the Heritage Advisory Committee for Heritage Permit HP-04-2023 for 191 Ostrander Point Road in the amount of $7,500. Recruitment for the Heritage Designation Working Group will begin in the coming weeks and will be shared with the public via the County website and social media.


Next Council meeting: Regular Meeting of Council Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at Shire Hall, 332 Main Street, Picton. This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meeting. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council agenda. A video of this meeting is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.

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