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Council Highlights – November 28, 2023 – Regular Meeting of Council

December 5, 2023

Motions from Closed Session

Council authorized a sale of land to Richard Pryce-Jones.

Council authorized a sale of land to Christopher and Melissa Routley.


Councillor Grosso announced intent to bring forward a resolution to the December 19 meeting regarding staff exploring the creation of an automated speed enforcement program.

Councillor Nieman announced intent to bring forward a notice of motion to the December 19 meeting regarding advocacy with the province to influence the process that sets insurance ratings that force fire departments to replace fire fleet which are still functional.

Councillor MacNaughton encouraged people to attend the Picton Santa Claus Parade on Sunday, December 3 beginning at 1 pm.

Councillor Maynard encouraged people to attend the Consecon Santa Claus Parade on Sunday, December 3.

The Mayor proclaimed December 3 as International Day of People with Disabilities and proclaimed the month of December as Lung Cancer Awareness Month.


The Prince Edward District Women’s Institute presented Council with a cheque for $3,000 for financial support for accessible transit. Read the media release here.

Chris Palmer, Supervisor of Museums & Cultural Services, addressed Council regarding the Arrow Trail Project. Staff will present information on the project to the City of Belleville and the City of Quinte West to seek approval and support. The project is expected to launch in Spring/Summer of 2024.


Paul DeMelo, Legal Counsel for Base31, addressed Council regarding Water and Wastewater Infrastructure. Discussions included the growth forecast; the need for commitment from Council to address infrastructure gaps; how the project provides the overall direction and how the plans will connect as part of the Master Servicing Plan and more.

Mike Harper addressed Council regarding Water and Wastewater Infrastructure. Discussions included the state of the current system, such as the water pressure; the need to get ahead of the problem; how staff have always been forthcoming with information on the water infrastructure upgrade project, and more.

Comments from the Audience

Sarah Fox, Base31, commented on item 8.2 regarding the Arrow Trail Project and the significant impacts of the project, which has captured the imagination of many Canadians. She noted that the trail will showcase the unique locations of stories throughout the Bay of Quinte Region.

Helen Prolas, Kevin Hanbury, Andy Bowers, Carol Mannheim, Tim Good, Rick Conroy, Jennifer Armstrong, Rob Waslenko, Diane Scott and Ernie Margetson all spoke to item 11.2 regarding the Tender Award for the Wellington Watermain Trunk and Sanitary Sewer Trunk Linear Infrastructure.

Helen asked Council to press pause on the infrastructure upgrades due to such factors like the financial risk, growth targets and how much has been paid in the front-end financing agreements.

Kevin noted that there is no guarantee the developments will move forward and asked that a similar approach for development charges be made in Picton, and that additional fund be sought from developers. He mentioned the economic impacts and urged Council to pause the upgrades.

Andy noted that he is in favour of a purposeful pause to confirm that the staging of work is rational and in step with population growth.

Carol, from Wellington Community Association, noted that Kaitlin was originally granted 450 units and then more land was purchased. Carol wants to trust the developer; however, she is worried of the change to the existing community characteristics. She asked Council to pause the project.

Tim urged Council to pause the project. He noted that the increased costs and project plan is flawed.

Rick noted that he feels the goal keeps moving and questioned the intent of the developer. He advised that the status quo is a reasonable option and that Council pause the project while focusing on infill development, such as apartments on Wellington on the Lake.

Jenniefer spoke to her experience on the Kaitlin Liaison Working Group and how the developer does not guarantee affordability. She urged for a pause.

Ron mentioned cutting back on water use and an increase in cost of living.

Diane noted her research on the Kaitlin Corporation in other communities such as Clarington and Midland.

Ernie noted that this is a focused Wellington matter that affects future ratepayers and that trunk lines must ultimately be installed. He advised it is not an ‘if’ but a ‘when’ situation and Council must have assurance that the developer is willing to make their contribution. Ernie asked if the subdivision agreement be approved in combination with the approval of the tender so the financial portion is less cumbersome, and the anxiety of the community may be alleviated.

Renee Hessian spoke to item 12.4 regarding the Planning and Development Committee meeting. Clarification was provided on the Planning and Development Committee process.


Tender Contract Award – Wellington Watermain Trunk and Sanitary Sewer Linear Infrastructure

Council received the report from staff regarding the Tender Award Contract – Wellington Watermain Trunk and Sanitary Sewer Trunk Linear Infrastructure. Council will defer the report to obtain advice from the municipal solicitor to the December 19 Council meeting.


Resolution from Councillor Engelsdorfer seeking Council support for municipal best practices and frameworks for Development Charges Pre-payment Agreements and Water Financial Plans

Councillor Engelsdorfer brought forward a motion seeking Council support for municipal best practices and frameworks for Development Charges Pre-payment Agreements and Water Financial Plans.
On August 31, 2023, the County hosted a public information meeting to provide additional information about the Wellington water and wastewater infrastructure.
On November 9, 2023, the Audit Committee heard Comments from the Audience regarding concerns with respect to financial risks associated with the Wellington water and wastewater infrastructure upgrades.
Council will direct staff to prepare a background report on municipal best practices and frameworks for Development Charges Pre-Payment Agreements.


Other Business

Council received the report from the Community Services, Programs and Initiatives department regarding Uride and Community Transportation Solutions. Discussions included, but were not limited to, where the funds come from, if the requirements for Uride are identical to the Taxi By-law and the differences between the Uride agreement and Taxi By-law provisions; the impact of Uride on public transit and its benefits and if the $30,000 could be utilized for the public transit system. Council did not support the motion to extend the date of Uride’s agreement with the County until December 31, 2024.

Council awarded Picton Main St. Sanitary Pump Station Tender Award to BGL Contractors Corp. in the amount of $4,587,650.00 plus taxes.

Councillor MacNaughton was appointed to the Delhi Park Community Connections Task Team as the Picton and Accessible Rep.

Next Council meeting: Operating and Capital Budget, December 4 – 8, 2023, at Shire Hall, 332 Main Street, Picton. 

This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meeting. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council agenda.  A video of this meeting is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.





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