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County asking public for input on food truck and sidewalk patio by-laws

December 6, 2022

The County of Prince Edward is seeking input from the public about the Food Truck By-law and the Sidewalk Patio By-law. The municipality would like to hear from residents about how food trucks and sidewalk patios can contribute to community life and the local economy.

In response to the municipality’s By-Law and Policy Review project, and in preparation for the 2023 Tourism Management Plan, staff are undertaking a comprehensive review of the Food Truck and Sidewalk Patio Programs/By-Laws. Public input will shape how these programs will be delivered by the municipality in the 2023 summer season and beyond.

Details of the programs, their history and the consultation process are available on the County’s Have Your Say platform.

Consultation begins on Tuesday, December 6 and will conclude on Monday, December 19. The public can participate in two ways: by completing a survey on the County’s online Have Your Say platform or through in-person consultations in the community.

Public consultation sessions for the Food Truck and Sidewalk Patio Programs will be held at the following locations:

  • Wellington District Community Centre, Saturday, December 10 from 10 am – 2 pm
  • Prince Edward Community Centre, Sunday, December 11 from 10 am – 2 pm

For further information or if you have questions, contact Julianne Snepsts, Programs Supervisor, at 613.476.2148 extension 1008 or email


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