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County budget deliberations begin December 7

December 4, 2020

The County of Prince Edward 2021 budget presentations will get underway on Monday, December 7.

Council will be presented with tax-supported operating budget of $60.2 million and a capital budget of $9.7 million. The proposed rate-supported operating budget for water and wastewater services is $8.8 million and the rate-supported capital budget is $6.6 million.

The 2021 budget aims to maintain consistent services levels and invest in the strategic priority areas identified by Council, while considering the ongoing impacts of COVID-19.

Council is scheduled to hear presentations over four days. At the evening meeting on Monday, December 7, the Director of Finance will provide an overview of the 2021 budget. During the day sessions December 8-10, the Director of Finance will take Council through the budget in greater detail.

Also at the December 7 meeting, Council will receive the CAO’s report on the context for the 2021 budget deliberations, a report detailing funding requests made by various community groups, and deputations.

Budget deliberations will be held at Highline Hall at the Wellington and District Community Centre with no public attendance allowed due to COVID-19 protocols. The meetings will stream live on the and live updates will be tweeted @Shire_Hall and using #pecbudget.

View the draft 2021 operating and capital budget

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