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County completes Class Environmental Assessment Addendum for East Picton  

August 23, 2023

The County of Prince Edward has completed the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Addendum for the Picton Main Street sewage pumping station (SPS) and associated sanitary sewers.

The municipality undertook the Class EA Addendum in order to explore and evaluate options for the Picton Main Street SPS location and associated sanitary sewers. The 2017 Class EA recommended expanding the Picton Main Street SPS within the existing location of County Road 49 and the right-of-way; however, updates in the forecasted flow and population as well as new alternative locations for the SPS led the County to complete an addendum.

The preferred alternatives identified in the Class EA Addendum are:

Sewage pumping station: The preferred alternative is to construct a new sewage pumping station within the County-owned land and associated forcemain along County Road 49. This alternative provides more space, improves operations and maintenance, and redirects sanitary sewers from the existing Picton Main Street sewage pumping station. The new station will be sized for the current and long-term flows.

Sanitary sewer upgrades: Upsizing and resloping the sanitary sewers from Fawcett Avenue to the new Picton Main Street sewage pumping station as well as resloping an upstream segment of sanitary sewers near Wellings/ Finnegan Drive.

The complete report is available on the County website. Written comments can be sent to Jeff Shortt, Project Manager, at by Thursday, September 21. Comments about this Class EA addendum will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

A Section 16 Order request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study or that conditions be imposed. This order will occur only on the grounds that it may prevent, mitigate, or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected inherent and treaty rights of a First Nation or Indigenous community. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Visit the County website for more information on requesting a Section 16 Order.

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