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County invites feedback on draft noise by-law

March 11, 2021

The County of Prince Edward is asking for public input on the draft of a new noise by-law for the municipality.

The County is reviewing and updating the noise by-law in response to changes and developments that have occurred since the by-law was last amended in 2011. Through the development of a new by-law, the municipality seeks to balance the expectations of residents and businesses. In addition, the municipality wants to improve the enforceability of the by-law.

In preparing the proposed by-law, County staff examined by-laws from neighbouring municipalities and comparable municipalities (Brant and Norfolk Counties). In all of the by-laws reviewed, municipalities regulated different noise types by defined times and specified days rather than maximum sound levels. Staff are recommending that the new by-law remove enforcement charges based on maximum sound levels because those infractions are challenging to prove and defend in court.

Key changes in the draft noise by-law include the following prohibitions:

  • Extremely loud and continuous noise from amplified sources and barking dogs at all times of the day in residential areas.
  • Yelling, shouting, hooting, or similar sounds at all times of the day.
  • Amplified music and entertainment in commercial and institutional zones between 11 pm and 10 am. The current by-law prohibits between 2 am and 7 am.
  • Operation of power equipment for lawn, garden, building or property maintenance between 8 pm 8 am (9 am on Sundays and statutory holidays)
  • Use of a chain saw, chipper or leaf blower between 5 pm and 8 am Monday – Saturday and all day on Sundays and statutory holidays.
  • Operation of any construction equipment between 7 pm and 7 am Monday – Saturday and all day on Sundays and statutory holidays.

The public can offer feedback on the key changes and noise more generally through an online survey posted on Have Your Say. Additional comments are welcome through the forum on Have Your Say or by emailing Andy Harrison, Chief Building Officer, at

Mr. Harrison will host an online information session on the proposed noise by-law on Wednesday, March 24 at 6 pm. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the proposed changes and ask questions. Email to register and receive details on joining the Zoom meeting.

Consultation on the project will close at 4 pm on Friday, April 9. Visit Have Your Say for more information and to participate.

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