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County Transit introduces new bus schedule with additional return trip to Belleville

June 4, 2024

County Transit is introducing a new bus schedule with an additional return trip to Belleville beginning on Monday, June 17, 2024.

Responding to rider requests for a mid-day trip to Belleville, the municipality has made this possible thanks to provincial funding.

The new schedule features a total of five daily trips between Picton and Belleville via Bloomfield, operating Monday through Friday. The additional trip offers greater flexibility to those travelling for employment, education, appointments, connection with VIA Rail and more.

About the schedule

The new schedule was selected following a Have Your Say poll that helped the municipality narrow down four possible options. Beginning Monday, June 17, the new timetable will spread travel across a longer span of day, so that the bus can keep on schedule without rushing.

Transit Coordinator Vincent de Tourdonnet commented on these service enhancements, stating, “our current schedule has a big hole in the middle, making it difficult to plan weekday comings and goings to Belleville. As of June 17, we hope it will be more convenient than ever to enjoy frequent, car-free, care-free service from the County to Belleville. The new route includes several new stops and improves existing ones, moving them to more suitable locations.”

Concurrent with the new schedule, improvements to the route include:

  • Formalizing an informal stop at Picton Harbour
  • Moving the stop from the congested front area of PECI to nearby Paul Street and Barker Street
  • Extending the route past London Avenue to reach Base31
  • Splitting the informal stop at Elizabeth Street and King Street into two formal stops along King
    Street (at Ross and at Bowery)
  • Adding an eastbound stop opposite Metro at 86 Main Street (near the KFC)
  • Adjusting the stop in front of Picton United Church and moving it to near the Mary Street parking
    lot for safety reasons.

Click here to view the new schedule

Service outside of Picton and Bloomfield
Residents who do not live near a bus stop may not be aware that they can call Quinte Transit at 613-392-9640 or 1-855-283-9640 the day before their trip to arrange a drop-off and pick-up at the nearest stop.If you have questions about the new schedule or County Transit, please contact Vincent de Tourdonnet, Transit Coordinator at

For more information on County Transit, please visit the County’s website.

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