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County welcomes over 50 students for learning program during Local Government Week

October 16, 2023

Grade 7 and 8 students from St. Gregory Catholic School in Picton will get an inside look at local government this week.

As part of Local Government Week, the County of Prince Edward is offering an inquiry-based beyond classroom program for students to learn more about local government and its impact on their daily lives.

“Inviting youth voices into local government conversations is critical. We welcome this chance to engage young people in a meaningful way that gets them excited about participating in local democracy,” Mayor Steve Ferguson says.

Over the next five days, students will receive an overview of local government administration and the new Council Strategic Plan. They will then look more closely at topics such as elections, budgeting, communications, affordable housing, and sustainability. Staff will give short presentations followed by activities where students will work together to answer questions and tackle problems related to local government.

The week will conclude on Friday with students participating in a mock Council meeting at Shire Hall. They will also get to meet with County councillors and ask them questions about their role.

“I am so excited to see Local Government Week being paired with our ‘Curiosity Creates Change (C3)’ program, which encourages inquiry-based learning among our Grade 7/8 students,” says Tracy Thomlinson, Principal of St. Gregory Catholic School. “This opportunity will allow our students to learn about local government, ask questions and guide their own learning within their community.”

Local Government Week was developed by the Association of Municipal Clerks Treasurers of Ontario (AMTCO) in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO). The aim of the week is to increase public and youth awareness of the amazing opportunities that exist within the sector.

The Clerk’s Office is spearheading the Local Government Week program with participation of staff across the organization. The Clerk’s Office also offers educational opportunities throughout the year. If you are interested in learning more, contact or call 613.476.2148 extension 1022.

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