A draft of the Wellington Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Plan is now available for review and feedback.
The draft plan has examined the study area to determine policies and procedures that would best guide property owners in the preservation of their properties’ heritage components and the integrity of the Heritage District as a whole.
The draft study is posted on The County’s website. The public can submit their comments to Michael Michaud, Manager of Planning by email at mmichaud@pecounty.on.ca. Comments will be accepted until 4pm on Friday, May 13.
A statutory public meeting on the draft plan will be held on June 23 at 1pm as part of the Committee of the Whole meeting. The meeting may be held virtually or through a combination of in-person and virtual attendance depending on COVID-19 protocols at the time. If you wish to speak at the statutory public meeting, email the Clerk’s office at clerks@pecounty.on.ca.
The Heritage Conservation District Plan for Wellington began in August 2019. Heritage planning consultants Bray Heritage led the plan to assess whether Wellington meets the requirements of an HCD designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. The consultants worked closely with The County and conducted interviews with an advisory committee, municipal staff, members of Council, the Prince Edward Heritage Advisory Committee, and multiple residents. A public meeting was held in November 2019.
The HCD designation is the best tool Ontario municipalities have for managing change in beneficial ways. The Wellington Heritage Conservation Study was conducted from 2019 to 2021 and determined that the Wellington Main Street area was worth preservation under the Ontario Heritage Act.
For more information, contact Michael Michaud, Manager of Planning at 613.476.2148 extension 2025 or email mmichaud@pecounty.on.ca.