Environmental assessment work at the former Wellington Arena property on Niles Street will take place March 15-16.
- Several bore holes will be drilled inside the arena and in the parking lot.
- The drilling will take place between 10 am and 4 pm both days.
- Noise levels will be elevated for the duration of the drilling and vibrations may be felt in the area.
- The work is not expected to cause traffic disruptions; however, the arena parking lot will be unavailable both days.
- The Prince Edward County Affordable Housing Corporation is transforming the site into affordable housing. Construction is planned to begin between December 2021 and January 2022 with occupancy expected to take place 12 -15 months after construction begins.
- For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 extension 1023, 613.962.9108 extension 1023, or info@pecounty.on.ca.
Please note: The County of Prince Edward provides this information as a service to the general public. While we do our best to provide accurate information, construction projects and associated service disruptions are subject to change based on weather, road, traffic, and other uncontrollable conditions.