The County is undertaking Schedule C Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) studies for the proposed replacement of the existing Wellington water and wastewater treatment plants, located at 459 Wellington Main Street and 461 Wellington Main Street, respectively.
The Class EA studies will identify and evaluate alternative design concepts for the new plants. Preferred treatment design concepts will be selected to minimize technical, socio-cultural, natural environmental and economic impacts.
The new treatment plants will be built within the property boundaries of the existing sites, as shown by the study area limits.
Public consultation is a key part of the Class EA process. Public Information Centres (PIC) will be held for both of the Class EA studies. Once dates for the PICs are confirmed, the County will publish invitation notices to the PIC in local newspapers and on the County’s website, as well as distribute the notices to all individuals who express an interest in this project.
The need to replace the existing water and wastewater treatment plants was identified in the 2021 Wellington Master Servicing Plan for Water, Wastewater and Stormwater. New water and wastewater treatment plants are required to accommodate projected growth in the area and to address current capacity limitations with the existing systems.
The County projects that the Class EA studies will be completed by the spring of 2023. Detailed design of the new water and wastewater treatment plants may commence immediately following the completion of the studies. The detailed design and tender documents may then be ready for advertisement by early 2025. Assuming a successful award, construction of the new plants may commence in the spring of 2025.
If you want to be added to the project contact list to receive notices and information or to provide comments at any time during the process, please contact Garrett Osborne, Project Manager, at 613.476.2148 extension 2002 or email