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H.J. McFarland Memorial Home updates visitation rules

June 24, 2021

H.J. McFarland Memorial Home has updated its visitation protocols following a recent directive from the Province of Ontario.

General outdoor visits with residents resumed on June 3 after the province-wide Stay-at-Home order was lifted. The June 9 Directive #3 from the provincial government included the following significant changes:

  • General visits can occur indoors if a resident has mobility limitations or health conditions (i.e. factors unrelated to weather) that make an outdoor visit highly unlikely or impossible. Under these circumstances, one general visitor is allowed indoors at a time, and one essential caregiver may also be present during these visits. General visitors are subject to antigen testing and must test negative for COVID-19 prior to being granted entry to the home.
  • Close physical contact including hand-holding is permitted if both the resident and the general visitor are both fully immunized.
  • Brief hugs will also be permitted regardless of immunization status.
  • Close physical contact between a fully immunized resident and a fully immunized caregiver is permitted.

Individuals wishing to arrange a visit should be aware of the existing protocols that remain in effect:

  • All general visits should be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance of the visit. To schedule a visit, contact the recreation department at 613.476.2138 ext. 134 or
  • For outdoor visits, a maximum of two general visitors will be permitted, per resident, in addition to essential caregiver(s) for a maximum of four visitors.
  • Children under the age of two years do not count towards the general visitor maximum.
  • General outdoor visitors will be actively screened for symptoms of COVID-19 upon arrival and must remain outdoors. Visitors should not proceed beyond entry points of buildings.
  • General outdoor visitors do not need to undergo a rapid antigen COVID-19 test.
  • An outdoor visit must remain on H.J. MacFarland Memorial Home property.
  • Pets are not permitted for outdoor general visits without the prior approval of the recreation department (service animals excepted).

For more information contact the H.J. McFarland Memorial Home recreation department at 613.476.2138 ext. 134 or

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