H.J. McFarland Memorial Home continues to meet the emotional needs of residents during the COVID-19 pandemic while also ensuring the health of residents, staff, and visitors.
“We see how happy residents are when they connect in-person with family and friends. In order to make sure that can continue, we are taking proactive steps, which are in line with recent directives from the provincial government, so that everyone can stay safe,” says Kyle Cotton, Executive Director, H.J. McFarland Memorial Home.
All individuals coming into the Home must provide proof of a negative test result for COVID-19 within the past two weeks and verbally attest to not subsequently testing positive. An exception will be made for a support worker or visitor who requires immediate access in an emergency or palliative situation. Under the provincial directive, the Home cannot accept visitors originating from areas under Grey-Lockdown, Red-Control, or Orange-Restrict in the province’s reopening framework.
The Home’s updated visiting policy also provides greater clarification around a “short-term absence.” This type of absence is defined as a resident leaving the property for a social or another reason that does not include an overnight stay. Requests must be received within 48 hours of the planned short-term absence. The Home is not responsible for assisting family or friends to get a resident into any vehicle. Upon return to the Home, the resident will be actively screened but will not be required to take a COVID-19 test or self-isolate.
Additional information about visiting is posted on the Home’s webpage. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Danielle Preston, Recreation and Volunteer Services Supervisor, at 613.476.2138 extension 134 or email dpreston@pecounty.on.ca.