Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health and CEO at Hastings Prince Edward Public Health, has issued a new Section 22 order to help curb the spread of COVID-19.
The order came into effect at 12:01 am on Tuesday, March 30, replacing the previous order issued on February 9, 2021.
“Given the increasing concerns of COVID-19 variants, and the risks of potential spread of COVID-19 related to Easter celebrations, these measures are necessary to prevent illness and the spread of COVID-19 in our community,” said Dr. Oglaza according to a news release issued by HPEPH. “I want to thank the community for their continued vigilance and support in keeping our community safe and want to emphasize the importance of continuing to adhere to public health measures.”
Dr. Oglaza has ordered that all short-term accommodations (e.g. Airbnb bookings, bed and breakfasts, cottages) are immediately closed, including all bookings made prior to March 30, 2021. However, booking of accommodation is permitted for individuals who are travelling to or within the Hastings Prince Edward health region for essential reasons and are in need of housing i.e. health-care staff, medical appointments, and emergencies.
If you are asked to house emergency guests/essential workers or if your STA is currently owner-occupied, please contact the County’s STA department. Let them know in advance to avoid unnecessary enforcement calls by emailing stalicensing@pecounty.on.ca. If you believe a business or accommodation operator is not following the order, please call 613.476.2148 extension 2050 or email stalicenses@pecounty.on.ca.
Dr. Oglaza has also ordered that:
- Bookings/reservations for hotel/motel accommodation, personal service settings, and dine-in food services can only be accepted for individuals residing in the Hastings Prince Edward health region. Exceptions will include booking accommodation for individuals who are travelling to the Hastings Prince Edward health region for essential reasons and are in need of housing i.e. health-care staff, medical appointments, and emergencies.
- No person shall host or attend any indoor or outdoor social gatherings with more than five persons that is held at a private dwelling, condominium, apartment building and or student residence. This order does not impact occupancy limits for places of business and does not include a gathering held at a place of business or an organization held for reasons related to the operations of the business or an organization.
- All food and drink establishments must close to the public between 12 am and 5 am, with limited exceptions (e.g. to pick up or pay for a takeout order).
- All food and drink establishments must seat no more than five people together at a table.
- All food services and personal service settings must record contact information for all patrons. Businesses do not need not collect contact information for pick-up/carry-out orders.
- All retail businesses must have a safety plan that is in writing, available on request, and posted in a conspicuous place.
- All retail businesses and food and drink establishments must ensure music played is no louder than the volume of a normal conversation.
- The person responsible for a business or place that is open must not permit patrons to line up inside, or to line up or congregate outside unless maintaining a physical distance of at least two metres from other groups of persons and wearing an appropriate mask or face covering.
- All staff at retail businesses and food and drink establishments must wear appropriate personal protective equipment if providing services within 2 metres of another person who is not wearing a mask or face covering and are not separated by an impermeable barrier (e.g., plexiglass). Protection of the eyes, nose, and mouth is required (i.e., goggles or face shields and surgical or procedural masks). This includes personal service settings and eating establishments where patrons temporarily remove their mask in order to receive services.
Failure to comply with this Class Order can result in fines of up to $5,000 for individuals, and $25,000 for corporations for every day or part of a day on which the offence occurs or continues.
HPEPH will continue to monitor provincial rates of COVID-19 and restrictions in other regions and will review and update this Class 22 Order as needed to protect local residents.
Read more on the Hastings Prince Edward Public Health website.