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Here for our community: Joe Angelo

November 3, 2020

Every day hundreds of people work behind the scenes to keep Prince Edward County running. Over the next several months, we will profile a few of the people that are ‘here for our community.’

We continue the series by talking with Joe Angelo, a Project Manager in the Department of Development Services.

Can you start by giving an overview of your job?

I am responsible for project management and contract administration for municipal infrastructure improvement projects including roads, bridges, sewers, and watermains.

I am involved in all stages of a project often even before the capital budget is approved. The requirements and deficiencies of the above-ground and underground infrastructure are reviewed to determine the extent of work associated with a project, the priority in relation to other project needs, and the estimated cost for Council’s capital budget consideration.

Once a capital budget item is approved by Council, I am involved from that point on until the project is completed. With most of the larger projects we use consulting engineering services. I generally prepare the request for proposal or request for quotation for the services, review them, and prepare a recommendation for an award of the assignment.

Once a consulting firm is hired I work with them throughout the design process to ensure all of the necessary approvals are in place to get the project ready for tendering. After tenders for a project are received I review them with the consultant and prepare a summary report to Council with a recommendation for awarding the contract. Once a decision is made by Council regarding a proposed contract a by-law is passed to confirm a contract award. Following this, arrangements are then made to initiate work on the project.

Here for our Community profile graphicWhat do you like most about the job and working for the County?

I enjoy the fact that I have the opportunity to get involved with a project right from the initial stages, through the preliminary design and detailed design phases, and then be part and parcel of the project when it’s under construction. I like having a hand in a project and offering my advice and assistance throughout.

I enjoyed managing the County Road 3 reconstruction project from 2016-18. It was a fairly large project with a budget of around $10 million. I had a lot of involvement and found that rewarding. But honestly, I have liked most of the projects I have worked on over the years.

How long have you worked with the County?

I was the Director of Public Works with the City of Belleville for many years. I retired after working 38 years with the city.

I was off for a few months and I was looking for something to keep me busy. I came over here to the County in March 2005. The County was quite busy that year and they were looking for someone to assist on several projects. I offered my services, they accepted, and the rest is history, as they say.

Originally, they were looking for someone for six months and I said that was fine. After six months they kept asking me to stay on and I didn’t have anything particularly pressing that I wanted to do, so I agreed. Six months has extended into 15 years.

How has COVID-19 impacted your work?

The big difference is the inability to have in-person meetings, whether on-site meetings or general project meetings. I find that now both sides are leaning toward telephone conversations or meetings over the Internet. We are doing more things through email to keep close physical contact to a minimum.

I find it can be a bit more tedious. If you can meet someone in person, it is sometimes easier to resolve issues or come up with solutions. We still occasionally have those meetings but you have to keep your distance and be careful.

What do you enjoy most about the County?

I like the friendly atmosphere here with the staff. It’s enjoyable to come to work. I like driving to work from my home in Belleville. I know the County quite well. I just find it’s a nice, friendly place to work.

Click to read all of the Here for our Community Profiles.

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