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In-person support available to apply for Municipal Financial Relief Grant

June 7, 2023

Information and help sessions are available in June for County residents who would like assistance applying for the Municipal Financial Relief Grant (MFRG).

In-person sessions will take place on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, June 14 from 10 am – 1 pm at the Prince Edward Community Centre (375 Picton Main Street)
  • Wednesday, June 21 from 2 pm – 5 pm at the Wellington and District Community Centre (111 Belleville Street, Wellington)


If you would like assistance completing your application, please bring the following documents:

  • your water/wastewater bill if you are a renter applying for the $350 water/wastewater bill credit or property tax bill if you are an owner applying for the $750 tax bill credit
  • and a Notice of Assessment for all household occupants.

Free door-to-door transportation from any location in the County to these sessions can be arranged through County Transit. To schedule your ride, call 1.855.283.9640 or email at least one day in advance.

These sessions are being offered by The County Foundation who is administering the MFRG program on behalf of the municipality. At these sessions, the Foundation staff can assist with the application process but cannot answer questions about your tax bill, water bill or other municipal services.

Prince Edward County residents who are having difficulty paying household expenses, including water and wastewater bills, can apply for financial relief through the Municipal Financial Relief Grant. Visit The County Foundation website to learn more and get answers to frequently asked questions. The deadline to apply is August 15, 2023.

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