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Indoor Wellington track to welcome walkers July 19

July 15, 2021

Public access to the indoor walking track at the Wellington and District Community Centre (111 Belleville Street) will resume on Monday, July 19.

The municipality will offer three 50-minute sessions from Monday to Friday.

  • Session 1: 8-8:50 am. Doors open at 8 am for immediate entry; no late admittance
  • Session 2: 9-9:50 am. Doors open at 9 am for immediate entry; no late admittance
  • Session 3: 10-10:50 am. Doors open at 10 am for immediate entry; no late admittance

Due to COVID-19 capacity protocols, participation is capped at 10 people per session. Individuals are limited to one session per day to ensure the greatest number of people have a chance to access the walking track.

Participants can guarantee their space in a session by pre-registering on Fridays between 9 am and 3 pm for the following week. To register call 613.476.2148 extension 5041 or extension 5003.

All participants must wear a face covering, sanitize and complete COVID-19 screening protocol. Programming is subject to change based on provincial guidelines.

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