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Mayor Ferguson’s statement on recent COVID-19 action by Province of Ontario

November 21, 2020

Mayor advises residents to avoid travel to higher COVID-19 transmission areas unless absolutely necessary.

Mayor Steve Ferguson has issued the following statement:

Late yesterday afternoon, Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health and CEO at Hastings Prince Edward Public Health, issued a statement following an announcement by the Province of Ontario. The province is moving several health unit regions to new levels in the reopening framework, including moving Toronto and Peel into lockdown. I am joining Dr. Oglaza in asking Prince Edward County residents to avoid travel to higher transmission areas unless absolutely necessary.

We remain in the green/prevent zone of Ontario’s COVID-19 response framework. However, cases are rising in our area, and we are actively preparing in the event that our area is moved to the yellow/protect zone. Now more than ever, we must be diligent in our efforts to prevent the spread of COVID. As per our municipal by-law, you must wear a mask or face covering when in all indoor locations that are open to the public, as well as at farmers’ markets. Be sure to wash and sanitize your hands regularly.

The Province of Ontario is also urging people living in areas of high-transmission to avoid all non-essential travel to low-transmission areas. While we pride ourselves as being a welcoming community to all, it is my hope that people living in high-transmission areas reconsider visiting Prince Edward County at this time. We invite people to visit at a later date when it is safe to do so.

With the slow down in people coming to the County, I understand that tough times lie ahead for local businesses. I urge local residents to safely support our local businesses, particularly with Christmas approaching. Instead of ordering online from a big chain outlet, please consider buying from a local store. Support local business through curbside pickup and ordering takeout or delivery. Let’s do all we can to get through this together.

Thank you and please stay safe.

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For media inquiries, please contact Mark Kerr, Media and Communications Coordinator, at 613.476.2148 ext. 1009 or by email at

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