Prince Edward County Municipal Services


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Micro surfacing on road surfaces to begin May 25

May 24, 2021

Contractors retained by The County will be undertaking a micro surfacing application on five roads starting Tuesday, May 25 as part of the rural road rehabilitation program.

The following roads will be affected:

  • County Road 5 (from Fish Lake Road to Picton Town Limit)
  • County Road 7 (from Chuckery Hill Road to County Road 25)
  • County Road 17 (from County Road 8 to County Road 16)
  • County Road 22 (from civic address 544 to Kinglsey Road)
  • County Road 33 (from Hillier to Rosehall)

Micro surfacing is a road rehabilitation technique that extends the life expectancy of the roadway by sealing the road surface to prevent water from infiltrating the road base. The technique also creates a road surface that is coarser texture for enhanced skid resistance and reinstates a safe wearing surface.

A specialized machine mixes materials (emulsified asphalt, aggregate, filler, water and additives) that are then spread over the existing road surface. After a short curing period, traffic is provided access to the new surface.

Learn more about road rehabilitation and preventative maintenance in Prince Edward County.

Please note: The County of Prince Edward provides this information as a service to the general public. While we do our best to provide accurate information, construction projects and associated service disruptions are subject to change based on weather, road, traffic, and other uncontrollable conditions.

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