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Military personnel training in Picton November 1

October 30, 2023

October 30, 2023

Students and instructors from the Peace Support Training Centre in Kingston will conduct an exercise in Picton between 8 am and 4 pm on Wednesday, November 1.

Canadian and international students and instructors will undertake area assessments of the local community to train in the conduct of Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC).

An area assessment is a survey that gains knowledge about the community, its infrastructure, and its capabilities. For training realism, students will go out into the area, take pictures, talk with local residents, and try to understand the dynamics of the town.

This training will have minimal impact on the community. CIMIC is a function that supports a military mission by establishing and maintaining coordination and cooperation between the military and civil authorities.

For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 extension 1023, 613.962.9108 extension 1023, or

Please note: The County of Prince Edward provides this information as a service to the public. While we do our best to provide accurate information, construction projects and associated service disruptions are subject to change based on weather, road, traffic, and other uncontrollable conditions.

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