Prince Edward County Municipal Services


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Municipal service updates during next phase of provincial re-opening

February 17, 2022

The Province of Ontario has moved to the second phase of its re-opening plan as of February 17, 2022.

The County of Prince Edward is updating its services to align with the provincial guidelines.

Customer service (payments, Clerk’s office, burn permits, etc.): 

Drop-in service will resume at municipal offices at the Edward Building (280 Picton Main Street) and the Picton fire station (8 McDonald Drive) on Tuesday, February 22.

Edward Building hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 5 pm
Picton fire station hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 9 am – 4 pm

To limit contact and ensure the safety of both the public and staff, the County urges the public to access services online whenever possible.

Garbage bag tag relief program ends February 21: 

Residents are advised that bag tags will be required for all garbage bags placed at curbside for collection on or after February 21, 2022.

Visit the County website to find outlets that sell bag tags.

Arenas, town halls, museums and community centres:

Capacity limits at municipal recreation and community facilities remain unchanged during phase 2 of the reopening:

  • Spectator areas of arenas are open with capacity limits of 610 at the Lehigh Arena in Wellington and 270 at the Huff Estates Arena in Picton.
  • The walking track at the Wellington and District Community Centre will be open from 8 am until 3 pm continuously with a capacity of 20 walkers at any one time.
  • Proof of vaccination is required at municipal arenas for all participants and spectators age 12 or older. An enhanced COVID-19 vaccine certificate with a QR code will be required to enter. To download your enhanced COVID-19 vaccine certificate, visit the Provincial vaccination portal.
  • Canteens and vending machines in the arenas will be permitted to reopen on Tuesday, February 21.
  • Outside food and drink is permitted throughout the arenas. Patrons must resume wearing their mask immediately after consuming their food or beverage.
  • Community centre venue spaces and town halls are open with a 50 person per cent capacity limit for organized public events.
  • 25% indoor capacity where there is dancing and food or drink is served.
  • The County Museums are open with capacity restrictions and proof of vaccination requirements. For details on each location, events and hours of operation please visit the Museums’ webpage.
  • Public skating has resumed with a capacity of 50 skaters, and ice rentals are available. Visit the County website to view the schedules.

Mask requirements: 

Masks continue to be required in all indoor settings. The County will continue enforcing mask requirements in County-operated facilities, including arenas and town halls. Spot checks will occur over the next several weeks and people found not wearing a mask or improperly wearing a mask could be subject to a fine up to $1,000. Those with medical or religious exemptions must provide written proof of the exemption.

Virtual Council and committee meetings:

County Council meetings will continue to be held virtually during phase 2. The public can watch Council, Committee of the Whole, and Planning Committee meetings live on the County’s YouTube channel. Members of the public who want to make a deputation or provide a comment as an audience member can do so through Zoom. Email the Clerk’s office at for more information.

A decision about the format for future Council meetings will be made when the Province moves to the third phase of re-opening on March 1.

Public Library:

In-person book browsing and computer use is still available at the Prince Edward County Public Libraries. Curbside service is available at all branches. Visit the Library website for more information about available services and updates about returning to in-person programming.

For more information call 613.476.2148 extension 1023 or 613.962.9108 extension 1023 or email

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