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New evening shuttle service starts June 17

June 6, 2022

A new evening shuttle service connecting Picton, Bloomfield and Wellington will begin operations on Friday, June 17.

The shuttle, a new pilot project operated by County Transit, will be available from 5 pm to 10:30 pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until Thanksgiving weekend. Fares are $5 one way (cash only). To guarantee a seat, passengers are asked to reserve their place by contacting Quinte Transit at 613.392.9640, toll free 1.855.283.9640, or

“Keeping County roads safe is important. Having a shuttle in place means residents and visitors alike can leave their personal vehicles behind and better enjoy their summer evenings safely,” says Mayor Steve Ferguson.

Two 18-passenger buses will operate as part of the shuttle service, one starting in Wellington at 5 pm, the other starting in Picton at 5 pm. Stops along the way include:

  • King Street (Picton) parking lot (5 pm; 5:45 pm; 6:30 pm; 7:15 pm; 8 pm; 8:45 pm; 9:30 pm; and 10:15 pm)
  • Parking lot at 73 Picton Main Street (Metro parking lot)
  • Parking lot next to 257 Bloomfield Main Street
  • Parking lot at 132 Wellington Main Street
  • Parking lot at 279 Wellington Main Street (Foodland) (5 pm; 5:45 pm; 6:30 pm; 7:15 pm; 8 pm; 8.45 pm; 9.30 pm; 10:15 pm)

For more information about the evening shuttle service, visit the Summer Hub on The County’s website, or contact customer service at 613.476.2148 extension 1023 or

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