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Planning Committee meetings move to virtual participation format

October 19, 2020

Public participation at all upcoming Planning Committee meetings will happen virtually in order to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

“With gathering restrictions still in place and COVID-19 activity on the rise, we cannot guarantee a seat for everyone who wants to attend in person, especially for high-profile applications. Moving to an all-virtual participation format will ensure all residents and interested parties have an equal opportunity to participate in the planning process,” says Mayor Steve Ferguson.

Members of the public can speak at the meetings via Zoom. In addition, the public can email written comments prior to the meeting to Pam Thompson, Secretary-Treasurer in the Planning Department.

The public can watch the live stream of the Planning Committee meetings via the County of Prince Edward YouTube channel. The meetings are held at the Regent Theatre in Picton, which offers enough space for councillors and staff to follow physical distancing protocols.

The next Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 21 at 7 pm. Items for Council decision on the agenda include the Picton Terminals rezoning application and the draft plan of a 13-lot subdivision on Stinson Block Road in Hillier Ward. Visit the County website to view the meeting agenda.

To speak at the October 21 meeting, you must register in advance by emailing by noon on Tuesday, October 20. Participants will receive a unique link and directions for participating in the meeting after they register.

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