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Public information session for the Athol South Marysburgh School Community Access Project to be held on June 17

June 10, 2024

The public is invited to Athol South Marysburgh School (1764 County Road 10, Cherry Valley) on Monday, June 17 between 4 pm and 6 pm to learn about the Athol South Marysburgh School (ASMS) Community Access Project. This partnership between the municipality and the school aims to encourage public access to the school yard when school is not in session.

ASMS is a hidden gem in Athol Ward, with plenty of land and recreational amenities that can be enjoyed by the community after school, on weekends and in the summer. The school council has been fundraising to revitalize the school yard and improve the playground amenities. The municipality has been welcomed as a partner in this project, using funds from the Parkland Reserve to help fund school yard improvements and ensure that the yard is welcoming and open to the community when school is not in session. The municipal contribution to this project will be $14,000.

The students have weighed in and have identified priorities for school yard improvements. At the June 17 public information session, the municipality and school partners will share these priorities and welcome public feedback on how the municipal parkland funding can contribute to improving the space for the students and the for the broader community. The event will be held outside and will be casual and conversational with no formal presentations. The public is encouraged to explore the school yard during the event.

Can’t attend the information session? Contribute to the ideas board and/or complete the short survey on Have Your Say before Friday, June 21.

For more information, contact Julianne Snepsts, Programs Supervisor, at or 613-476-2148 ext. 2506.

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