An in-person public information meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 13 at 7 pm for a proposed affordable housing project in Wellington.
The Prince Edward County Affordable Housing Corporation has submitted applications for a Site Plan Control and Zoning By-law Amendment to Rezone the subject lands from Institutional (I) Zone to Special Urban Residential Type 3 (R3-XX) Zone.
The proposed project would create a 36-unit apartment building along with four townhouse units on the site of the former Wellington Arena at 230 Niles Street in Wellington.
The meeting will take place at the Wellington and District Community Centre (111 Belleville Street, Wellington).
Materials for each of the above applications can be viewed on The County’s website.
New Planning Application Process
This public meeting is an information meeting only. Public information meetings are held as part of the updated planning application process approved in 2021.
At a public information meeting, the proponent/agent presents the proposal. If any member of the public would like to ask questions or make comments, they can do so after the presentation by the applicant.
The statutory public meeting required under the Planning Act will be a Planning Committee meeting and would only be held after the public information meeting and when the assigned County planner has completed an analysis of the project.
If you have questions about the upcoming meeting, contact Matthew Coffey, Planning Coordinator, Approvals, at 613.476.2148 extension 2032 or email