The County is reminding residents that broken glass and other sharp objects pose a safety risk to curbside collection workers if not disposed of correctly.
- Place any broken glass or sharp materials (with the exception of needles) in a cardboard box, tape the box closed, and label the box with the contents. Never place broken glass or other sharp objects in a garbage bag or recycling bin.
- Place the box beside your garbage can/bag and the material will be collected.
- Boxes containing broken glass or sharp objects do not count toward your bag limits and do not require a garbage bag tag.
- Needles and other sharps used for medical purposes should never be placed at the curbside for collection. More information and a searchable list of locations where you can drop off these materials can be found at
- If you are visiting a landfill or transfer site, broken glass must be disposed of in the garbage. Please do not place broken glass in a recycling receptacle.
- For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 extension 1023, 613.962.9108 extension 1023, or
Please note: The County of Prince Edward provides this information as a service to the general public. While we do our best to provide accurate information, construction projects and associated service disruptions are subject to change based on weather, road, traffic, and other uncontrollable conditions.