A contractor will remove the recently installed speed humps on County Road 10 through Cherry Valley on Monday, December 19.
- Six speed humps in total will be removed in three separate locations within the village.
- The work may cause traffic disruptions and lane restrictions on County Road 10 between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm.
- Heavy equipment may limit visibility in the area and noise levels will be elevated for the duration of the work.
- Pedestrians and motorists are asked to avoid the construction area if possible.
- The municipality is removing the speed humps in response to Councillor Sam Branderhorst’s motion approved by Council at the December 14 meeting. The motion acknowledged the concerns expressed by the public that evening as well as through a petition.
- Once the advisory committees for the 2022 – 2026 term have been established at the December 20 special meeting of Council, the appropriate advisory committee, along with members of the OPP, will investigate a solution to traffic volumes and excessive speeding in Cherry Valley. A report will come back to Council in April 2023.
- For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 ext. 1023, 613.962.9108 ext. 1023, or info@pecounty.on.ca.
Please note: The County of Prince Edward provides this information as a service to the general public. While we do our best to provide accurate information, construction projects and associated service disruptions are subject to change based on weather, road, traffic, and other uncontrollable conditions.