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Step 2 of provincial reopening to begin June 30

June 25, 2021

Step 2 of the provincial roadmap to reopening will begin Wednesday, June 30.

This next step focuses on the resumption of more outdoor activities and limited indoor services with small numbers of people, with other restrictions in place.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 25 people
  • Indoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 5 people
  • Essential and other select retail permitted at 50 per cent capacity
  • Non-essential retail permitted at 25 per cent capacity
  • Personal care services where face coverings can be worn at all times, and at 25 per cent capacity and other restrictions
  • Outdoor dining with up to 6 people per table, with exceptions for larger households and other restrictions
  • Indoor religious services, rites, or ceremonies, including wedding services and funeral services permitted at up to 25 per cent capacity of the particular room
  • Outdoor fitness classes limited to the number of people who can maintain 3 metres of physical distance
  • Outdoor sports without contact or modified to avoid contact, with no specified limit on number of people or teams participating, with restrictions
  • Overnight camps for children operating in a manner consistent with the safety guidelines produced by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health
  • Outdoor sport facilities with spectators permitted at 25 per cent capacity
  • Outdoor concert venues, theatres and cinemas, with spectators permitted at 25 per cent capacity
  • Outdoor fairs, rural exhibitions, festivals, permitted at 25 per cent capacity and with other restrictions

Visit the Government of Ontario website for a high-level overview of what is allowed during each step of the provincial reopening roadmap.

The Edward Building will reopen with front desk service on Monday, July 5. Hours of operation will be 9 am – 3 pm, Monday – Friday. Shire Hall and the Picton Fire Station reopened during Step 1 of the reopening roadmap. Town halls and indoor recreation facilities such as the walking track at the Wellington and District Community Centre will remain closed during Step 2.

Branch locations of the County of Prince Edward Public Library and Archives will allow in-person service with limited capacity. The Library will also continue to serve the community through contactless curbside pick-up. Library programming will continue online or outdoors. Visit the Library website for more information about locations and hours.

For more information contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 extension 1023, 613.962.9108 extension 1023, or

All individuals age 12 and over are now eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine and appointments can be booked at or by calling 1.833.943.3900. If there are no appointments available please check back regularly and follow Hastings Prince Edward Public Health on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for booking updates, and sign up for the HPEPH vaccine standby list. Individuals who do not yet have an appointment for COVID-19 vaccine or who are eligible for an accelerated second dose can register on the standby list.

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