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Trees infected with emerald ash borer removed from Wellington subdivision

March 31, 2023

The recent tree removal program along First Avenue and Harbourview Crescent is nearing completion.

The contractor, Parkside Landscaping, has removed the ash trees in the neighbourhood that were infected with emerald ash borer. Removal was required to prevent them from becoming a hazard to the public.

Planning for restoration is currently underway and the following is an update on the approach:

  • All stumps will be cut flush to ground level.
  • Due to the proximity of underground utilities, conventional grinding of stumps will not be possible for the majority of removed trees. The County is working with the respective utilities on a solution to this issue.
  • Replanting will occur over time with preference to properties participating in the Adopt a Tree program. Learn more about how you can participate in the Adopt a Tree program for replanting.
  • Replanting of trees will be completed in phases with a variety of species to avoid an even-aged monoculture forest, in compliance with the County’s Tree Management and Preservation Policy.
  • In situations where there is not suitable right-of-way space to accommodate a tree, alternate arrangements for planting nearby will be explored

For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 extension 1023, 613.962.9108 extension 1023, or

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