COVID-19 vaccine clinics in Picton are ramping up over the next several weeks, making it more convenient than ever for residents 12 years of age and older to get their first or second dose right here in Prince Edward County.
There are several ways residents can get vaccinated and protect themselves and others around them.
Walk-in clinic for general public on July 15
A walk-in COVID-19 vaccine clinic will take place at the Rotary Club of Picton Hall (375 Picton Main Street) on Thursday, July 15 from 5:30-8:30 pm.
No appointment is necessary for this clinic. Local youth between the ages of 12 and 17 can drop in to the clinic for their first or second dose if they meet the criteria. They will receive the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.
Local residents 18 years of age and older can also walk in to the clinic and get their first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. They will be offered an mRNA vaccine (either Pfizer or Moderna) depending on supplies.
The Prince Edward Family Health Team is hosting the clinic, in partnership with the County of Prince Edward. Please come prepared to wait in line with hydration and a lawn chair or in your vehicle with your ticket until your ticket number is called.
Walk-in clinics for youth July 13, 17, and 18
To support the provincial commitment to ensure eligible students are fully vaccinated by the end of the summer, several walk-in clinics are available for local youth (12-17 years of age) who have not received their first dose.
Walk in to the Picton clinic location (375 Picton Main Street) without an appointment on the following days and times:
Tuesday, July 13 — 9:30 am – 2:15 pm
Saturday, July 17 — 9:30 am – 2:15 pm
Sunday, July 18 — 9:30 am – 2:15 pm
Walk-ins will not be accepted between noon and 1 pm on these days.
Appointment clinics
Ten vaccine clinics at the Rotary Club of Picton Hall are tentatively scheduled between July 13 and July 29. Appointments at these clinics must be booked using the provincial system. To book, visit or call 1.833.943.3900.
The tentative dates are: Tuesday, July 13; Thursday, July 15; Saturday, July 17; Sunday July 18; Monday, July 19; Tuesday, July 20; Wednesday, July 21; Thursday, July 22; Tuesday, July 27; and, Thursday, July 29. Please note: all of these clinics do not appear in the provincial system right now. As earlier clinics fill up, additional dates are added to the provincial system. Check the system daily for available appointments.
Here are few tips when booking an appointment using the online provincial booking system:
- Check the system daily for updated appointment availability. Spaces could open up due to cancellations, and clinic dates are added as dates fill up.
- If you don’t have access to a computer or require assistance, you can visit any branch of the Prince Edward County Public Library. Visit the Library website for more details about branch locations and hours.
- Several churches are helping members book vaccine appointments. Check with your local parish office.
Please be sure to bring your Ontario health card with you to your appointment.
Standby List
Individuals who do not yet have an appointment for COVID-19 vaccine or who are eligible for an accelerated second dose can register on Hastings Prince Edward Public Health’s standby list.
When last minute appointment vacancies are anticipated at a clinic, the HPEPH team will select people from the standby list and will notify them by phone when there is a dose available at their selected location. Click here to learn more and get on the list.
Pharmacy-based appointments
Residents can receive their vaccination at participating local pharmacies, by contacting the pharmacy directly.
No Frills in Picton (13311 Loyalist Parkway) is offering Moderna (18 years of age and older) and AstraZeneca (second dose only). Visit their website for more details.
Pharma Plus in Picton (97 Picton Main Street) is offering Pfizer (12 years of age and older) and AstraZeneca (second dose only). Visit their website for more details.
For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 ext. 1023, 613.962.9108 ext. 1023, or