Week of Events
Sophiasburgh Trash Bash 2023
The third annual Sophiasburgh Trash bash will take place from Friday, November 3 until Sunday, November 5. Residents are welcome to participate by collecting litter in parks, greenspaces, and roadsides in Sophiasburgh Ward. Waste collected can be deposited throughout the weekend in the bin located at Northport Park. The event will conclude on Sunday, November […]
Tens of East Lake/Allswell Resort Public Information Meeting
Tens of East Lake/Allswell Resort Public Information Meeting
A public information meeting will take place for the planning application Z2-23. The County has received from the developer a revised application for a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit redevelopment of 41 Willow Lane in Athol Ward. The application would amend the existing Special Tourist Commercial (TC-19) Zone to permit the following uses: 12 tourist […]