Week of Events
Rain Barrel Sale Fundraiser Deadline
The County Sustainability Group is once again running a rain barrel sale fundraiser this spring. Rain barrels, composters, rain tanks, and accessories are available for purchase with proceeds going towards the group’s two bursaries: PECI Student Environmental Award and the County Ecological Farmer Award. A rain barrel is a container used to catch water flowing from […]
Earth Day Event- Owen Jones Memorial Clean Up
The annual Owen Jones Memorial Clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, April 20. "Prince Edward County takes littering seriously because it has a detrimental effect on our environment and on our residents' quality of life," Mayor Steve Ferguson says. "In the spirit of combating littering we are once again participating in the Owen Jones Community Clean […]
Earth Day Event- Large Item Swap
Prince Edward County is supporting beneficial re-use of large items through endorsing a large item swap. During the event, residents within settlement areas are encouraged to place their lightly used large items at the curb for other residents to take and continue to use. Large items could include furniture, electronics, tools, etc. Promoting the driving […]
Earth Day Event- Large Item Swap
Prince Edward County is supporting beneficial re-use of large items through endorsing a large item swap. During the event, residents within settlement areas are encouraged to place their lightly used large items at the curb for other residents to take and continue to use. Large items could include furniture, electronics, tools, etc. Promoting the driving […]
Public Information Meeting: Fawcette Avenue (Picton) subdivision application
Public Information Meeting: Fawcette Avenue (Picton) subdivision application
A public information meeting for a development proposal at Part of Lot 64, Hallowell Ward –western portion of Fawcette Avenue at the Millennium Trail — will take place at the Picton Rotary Hall (375 Picton Main Street) on Tuesday, April 16 at 6 pm. The County has received an application to approve a Draft Plan […]
Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Planning and Development Committee Meeting
All Council, Planning, Committee of the Whole and Advisory Committee Meetings are open to the public and attendance is welcomed and encouraged. Council, Planning and Committee of the Whole meetings are also streamed live on The County’s YouTube Channel. To view the full schedule of all Council-related meetings and to access the meeting agendas (including past […]
Drinking Water Wise Webinar
Drinking Water Wise Webinar
Cataraqui and Quinte Conservation are hosting an educational webinar on April 18 from 6 pm - 7:30 pm. The Drinking Water Wise Webinar series offers information and suggestions to Ontario residents about how they can protect their sources of drinking water. To date, topics covered include Harmful Algal Blooms, Well Care 101, Septic Systems 101, […]
Ice Allocation Meeting
Ice Allocation Meeting
The County is hosting an Ice Allocation Meeting on Thursday, April 18. The meeting will be held at the Lehigh Arena in the Multi Purpose Room from 6 pm – 8 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Lightfoot (Supervisor of Recreation and Community Facilities) by email at rlightfoot@pecounty.on.ca or by phone at 613.476.2148, extension […]
Earth Day Event-Composter Giveaway
Earth Day Event-Composter Giveaway
Prince Edward County recognizes the benefits of composting organics, particularly the cost benefits composting at home can have on the overall waste management budget. In support of this, the municipality is giving away 200 composters to the public to support the most efficient means of managing organics waste; back yard composting. Composters will be available […]