Farming Assistance Grant Program
The municipality offers a grant program to assist young and new farmers in Prince Edward County. The grant aims to support young and new farmers who have been negatively impacted by property tax increases as a result of a rise in farmland property assessments. The grant is administered by the County Cultivation Corporation.
Grant Amount
Eligible farmers will receive a minimum of $300 up to a maximum of 14% of the annual municipal farm tax bill, whichever is greater. The grant amount is calculated based on the farmland portion of the young or new farmer’s municipal tax bill.
Eligibility Criteria
Young and new farmers are eligible to receive a grant if:
- They are between the ages of 18 and 39 on January 1 of the year that the grant will be provided, or they have been farming for less than seven years, as determined by their Farm Business Number.
- They possess or they have pre-registered for a Farm Business Registration number, and engaged in farming activities on the farmland that the grant is being requested for.
- Their primary occupation is farming.
Please note: “primary occupation” is defined as the occupation that applicants identify as their top priority, regardless of income. The County acknowledges that many new or young farmers who identify farming as their primary occupation may be required to hold other employment.
A farm will be eligible for a grant if the farm ownership structure is as follows:
- The young or new farmer is the sole proprietor; or,
- The young or new farmer is a partner in a partnership; or,
- The young or new farmer is a shareholder in a farming corporation.
Application Process
The County is now accepting applications for the 2019 intake of the grant program.
Download the Farming Assistance Grant Program Application Form or pick up a hard copy at Shire Hall (332 Picton Main Street, Picton).
A letter from a third party professional is also required to confirm primary occupation and ownership status. Third party professionals include accountant, bookkeeper, lawyer, signing officer of a bank, or notary public.
Download the Farming Assistance Grant Program Letter from Third Party.
Applications must be dropped off in person at the municipal offices located on the second floor of the Edward Building in Picton (280 Picton Main Street) by Monday, December 16.
If you have any questions or require more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 extension 1503 or
For more information, please contact 613.476.2148 ext. 1503 or email
Farming Assistance Ad-Hoc Committee
The Farming Assistance Ad-Hoc Committee, established by County Council in March 2018, developed the grant program. The ad-hoc committee included members of the Agriculture Advisory Committee, a member of the National Farmers Union, and a County councillor.
The committee met five times from May-June 2018 to develop the program. View the agendas and minutes from those meetings.
The final report of the Farming Assistance Ad-Hoc Committee came before Committee of the Whole on July 12, 2018.
Download the presentation of Farming Assistance Ad-Hoc Committee
County Cultivation Corporation
The County Cultivation Corporation will disburse the grants to young and new farmers who qualify. Council approved the establishment of the non-share capital corporation in May 2018.
In addition to disbursing the grants, the corporation will assist with:
- Promoting the establishment, growth, and development of farms and businesses in Prince Edward County;
- Providing financial assistance to farmers, entrepreneurs, and businesses in Prince Edward County;
- Delivering grants in support of community improvement initiatives, sustainability challenges and built heritage in Prince Edward County.
Council report regarding County Cultivation Corporation
The County Cultivation Corporation consists of four directors. The Current directors are:
- Mayor Steve Ferguson
- Councillor Bill Roberts
- Robert Quaiff
- Steve Graham