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Agriculture Advisory Committee


The mandate of Agriculture Advisory Committee is to fulfill its advisory role by providing advice on agricultural matters, protecting rural and agricultural lands, and enhancing the viability of agriculture in Prince Edward County.

The Committee will provide information and recommendations to Council regarding agricultural matter relating to the administration of Part IV and Part V of the Nutrient Management Act. 2002. S. O. 2002, Chapter 4, within the County.

The Committee will advocate for all local agricultural businesses, tourism, and initiatives, and report opportunities. The Committee will serve as a forum for public discussion to examine matters of interest or impact to the rural community, and act as a liaison between the agriculture community and Council.

The goals and purpose of the Agriculture Advisory Committee are to:

  1. Identify and implement community outreach activities in co-operation with other organizations and levels of government where appropriate. This may include recommending and assisting with educational workshops regarding relevant planning policies or regulations such as the provincial Minimum Distance Formula (MDS) and the Nutrient Management Act.
  2. To provide input regarding agricultural planning policies and/or mapping pursued by the County through official plan amendments or an Official Plan review process.
  3. To assist the municipality in mediating any objection to the Nutrient Management Act referred to it by the Ministry of Environment with the affected farmer/operator.
  4. Review and recommend appropriate means and methods of communication, including information sessions, and or public meetings to the rural community and promote two-way communication between rural residents and Council, including, but not limited to food, tourism, and economic development.
  5. Formulate and recommend a Committee work plan for Council’s consideration.

Review the Agriculture Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.


  1. Two (2) members of Council.
  2. Four (4) public representatives appointed by Council, all of whom have demonstrated interest or expertise in agriculture.
  3. Two (2) youth representatives (16 – 25).
  4. Mayor is an ex officio member of the committee.


  • Ward 2 Bloomfield/Hallowell Councillor Phil Prinzen
  • Ward 5 Athol Councillor Sam Branderhorst
  • Robert Rogers
  • Dee Hazell
  • Jacqui Burley
  • John Thompson

There are two vacancies in the youth representative positions.  If you are a permanent resident, property owner, or business owner in Prince Edward County between the ages of 16-25 years old, apply HERE.


The County of Prince Edward Agriculture Advisory Committee shall meet no less than six (6) times per year, and more frequently at the discretion of the Chair.

The meeting, agenda, and minutes will be available to the public, on the municipal website. Members of the public may participate electronically as requested, in accordance with the Procedural By-Law.

If you have any questions about the Agriculture Advisory Committee, contact the Clerk’s Office at or call 613.476.2148 ext. 1020.