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Environmental Advisory Committee


The Environmental Advisory Committee draws upon strategic advice and expertise among members of the Prince Edward County  community, other volunteer or official environmental organizations, additional key stakeholders, external experts, and other levels of government to provide information and advice to promote environmental sustainability, stewardship, and protection within PEC. 

The EAC will coordinate information and strategic advice on how PEC could integrate an environmental lens within municipal plans and initiatives to foster sustainability. This advice will be given in the context of collective responsibilities of regional, national or global actors.

The goals and purpose of the Environmental Advisory Committee are to:

  1. Engage with the public to identify and implement activities which support broadened environmental awareness in the County.
  2. Draw on the knowledge and expertise of members of the community regarding environmental issues and provide advice and information to Council, municipal staff and the public, as required.
  3. Coordinate with experts and representatives of the public to collaborate, on a volunteer basis, on initiatives designed to advance environmental aspects of Council’s strategic priorities such as the following:
    • Mitigate the effects of climate change;
    • Encourage and facilitate green economy initiatives;
    • Encourage water and energy conservation measures;
    • Foster waste reduction, reuse and recycling programs;
    • Encourage conservation or restoration of natural features and habitats which support the community’s unique ecology and character and environmental assets;
    • Identify new business/employment/housing opportunities that climate change mitigation may offer.
  4. Provide advice and information to Council and the public through the compilation and provision of an annual report that details threats to the environment in Prince Edward County; various measures of success of local environmental performance; examines trends in environmental protection and promotion; and provides commentary on challenges and opportunities to prevent the degradation of, and to restore and sustain, our environmental assets. Identify potential funding/financing sources to help identify and mitigate environmental threats.
  5. Receive or initiate submissions and deputations from other organizations regarding any other specific environmental concerns.

Review the Environmental Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.


  1. Two (2) members of Council.
  2. One (1) technical representative of the Quinte Conservation Authority
  3. One (1) technical representative of the Hastings Prince Edward Public Health
  4. One (1) technical representative of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
  5. Five (5) public representatives appointed by Council for the term of Council or until reappointed, all of whom should have demonstrated competencies, history or interest in matters pertaining to the environment. No more than one person from any organized environmental group will be appointed.
  6. Two (2) youth representatives (16 – 25)


  • Ward 1 Picton Councillor Kate MacNaughton
  • Ward 9 South Marysburgh Councillor John Hirsch
  • Paulina Szlachta
  • Angus Ross
  • Cathie Coultis
  • Jane Lesslie
  • Ava Willie
  • Mark Boone (Quinte Conservation Authority)
  • Jillian Van Patter (Hastings Prince Edward Public Health)
  • Megan Murphy (Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte)

There are two vacancies in the youth representative positions.  If you are a permanent resident, property owner, or business owner in Prince Edward County between the ages of 16-25 years old, apply HERE.


The Environmental Advisory Committee shall meet no less than four (4) times per year, and more frequently at the discretion of the Chair.

The meeting, agenda, and minutes will be available to the public, on the municipal website. Members of the public may participate electronically as requested, in accordance with the Procedural By-Law.

If you have any questions about the Environmental Advisory Committee, contact the Clerk’s Office at or call 613.476.2148 ext. 1020.

Related By-Laws and Policies:

The County has implemented a number of by-laws and policies that relate to the mandate of the Environmental Advisory Committee including:

For more information on municipal projects, by-laws and policies related to sustainability and the environment, visit the Sustainability Hub.