Queen Elizabeth Development Community Partners Selection Committee
The municipality recently purchased the site, with an aim to create a “community within a community” that brings together community service providers, businesses, and professionals currently operating with in Prince Edward County. Together, they would address pressing social, environmental, and economic issues, advance cultural planning activities, and contribute to the revitalization of the neighborhood by providing affordable housing, childcare programming, and community services and programs.
The QE Re-Development Community Partner Selection Committee (QECP) will make recommendations to Council regarding the selection of business, organizational and not-for profit tenant ranking in the proposed Queen Elizabeth School site Re-Development informed by the following:
- Provide advice to Council on a suitable mix of tenants, with consideration for the original EOI created by the municipality and the overall objectives to:
- evaluate the proponent submissions as per the EIO criteria, and purpose of the project to create a community hub to meet the health, wellness and social needs of the community;
- rank the proponents for suitability in the QE redevelopment project;
- make recommendations for a suitable mix of tenants to Council.
- Mayor Ferguson
- Councillor Maynard
- Councillor MacNaughton
- Councillor Branderhorst
- Councillor Engelsdorfer
Public Members
- Penny Morris
- David Bednar
- Susan Quaiff
The Selection Committee will hold five meetings prior to presenting its recommendations to Council in Q4 2023. Part of the meetings will be livestreamed open to the public due to the confidential nature of the process and community agency information.
Review the Queen Elizabeth Development Community Partners Selection Committee Terms of Reference.
The meeting, agenda, and minutes will be available to the public, on the municipal website.
Members of the public may participate electronically as requested, in accordance with the Procedural By-Law.
If you have any questions about the Queen Elizabeth Development Community Partners Selection Committee, contact the Clerk’s Office at clerks@pecounty.on.ca or call 613.476.2148 ext. 1020.