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Water and Wastewater Rates Community Committee


The mandate of the Water and Wastewater Rates Community Committee is to provide public engagement and user collaboration regarding the financial sustainability of the municipality’s water and wastewater systems, including service delivery, long-term planning, asset management, user rates and capital charges. This work will help to inform the 2027 – 2031 Rate Study.

The committee will ensure that the 2027 – 2031 Rate Study and any proposed changes to the water and wastewater system support the municipality’s legislated requirements associated with the financial operation and maintenance of the water and wastewater systems.

The goals of the Water and Wastewater Rates Community Committee are to:

  1. Identify ways to reduce the overall costs for water and wastewater services so that any savings discovered can be redirected to stabilize, and, if possible, reduce user rates.
  2. Review current assets and identify future capital projects as part of long-term asset management planning for water and wastewater systems.
  3. Improve public understanding and help inform a municipal communications plan about how the water and wastewater rates are set and how the systems operate.

The Water and Wastewater Rates Community Committee will discuss and provide input where possible on areas that impact either the capital or operating costs of the municipality’s water and wastewater systems, to inform the 2027-2031 rate study, including:

  • The scope and purpose of the Rates Study (including past and current background studies and reports prepared to support the Rates Study)
  • Background on the Regional Water and Wastewater Analysis (Environmental Assessment) underway and the financial implications of options under consideration.
  • Current provincial regulations and financial requirements for the operation and maintenance of the water and wastewater systems.
  • Agreements supporting the purchase of water from Belleville and Quinte West to support the system.
  • Options for operational and administrative changes that could be considered to stabilize or reduce ongoing operating costs.
  • Water metering and possible use of technology.
  • Current water and wastewater revenues to clarify and understand the impacts associated with debt financing as well as any potentials for rate adjustments.
  • User-based fees and charges for operational services outside of the Rates Study framework.
  • Impact of growth to finance infrastructure, including the use of upfront financing agreements, development charges and connection charges.
  • The municipality’s long-term water and wastewater capital plan, informed by the asset management plan required by the province.
  • Reserves and long-term capital financing.
  • Overview of the Municipal Financial Relief Grant program outcomes and opportunities.
  • Explore the public commission model.
  • Explore alternatives for sustainability, green alternatives and new environmental technologies.
  • Identify advocacy opportunities with other levels of government.
  • Other activities as requested through motion of Council.

Review the Water and Wastewater Rates Community Committee’s Terms of Reference.


  1. Three (3) members of Council
  2. Six (6) public representatives appointed by Council for the term of the committee, all of whom must maintain a permanent residence in the County within the service areas and receive a water bill. Representatives will collectively represent the geography of the municipal drinking water or wastewater systems.
  3. CAO (and any staff required to support the Committee) as non-voting support.

Current Members

  • Councillor Engelsdorfer
  • Councillor Pennell
  • Councillor St-Jean
  • Bob Cooke
  • Ray Ford
  • Nicholas Nowitski
  • Chris Ryerson
  • Mitchell O Smith


The Water and Wastewater Rates Community Committee shall meet a minimum of four (4) times a year, and more frequently at the discretion of the chair. The meeting agendas and minutes will be available on the municipal website.

The committee meetings will not be livestreamed. Committee reports will be available to the public on the municipal website through Council agendas.

If you have any questions about the Water and Wastewater Rates Community Committee, contact the Clerk’s Office at or call 613.476.2148 extension 1020.

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