Prince Edward County Municipal Services


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Freedom of Information Requests

The County of Prince Edward is required to provide access to records and release public information is accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Act ensures that information is publicly available while also protecting personal information that is in our custody.

Making an Information Request

Before making a formal request, contact to see if the information is already available. If not, complete the Freedom of Information Request Form and submit it along with a $5 application fee:

  • In person at Shire Hall located at 332 Picton Main Street, Picton with cash or debit; or
  • By mail to the care of the Clerk’s Office at 332 Picton Main Street, Picton, ON K0K 2T0 with a cheque for $5.00 payable to County of Prince Edward.

We do not accept payment over the phone or by credit card.

Please indicate the type of request on the form:

  • General information (doesn’t include personal information)
  • Personal information
  • Third party personal information
  • Correction of personal information


Fees are set by the provincial government and are based on search time and the volume of documents requested. We will provide you with a fee estimate before processing your request. Fees can only be taken in person or by cheque. 

Fees can be waived if it is in the public’s best interests to do so, or if the fees would cause financial hardship.


If you are not satisfied with our response to your request for information, you can make an appeal to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

If you have any questions, contact the Clerk’s Office at or call 613.476.2148 ext. 1020.

Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario - Statistical Reports

All institutions under MFIPPA are required to submit their access, correction and other statistics to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. The requirement for statistical reporting is set out in section 26 of MFIPPA. As part of the Council strategic plan commitment to govern in ways that are open and effective, reports are now publicly available.

Statistical Report of The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward for the Reporting Year 2023.